“We The People” Classroom

At Freedom Hall & Academy, the “We The People” Classroom is more than just a place for instruction—it’s a vibrant, dynamic space designed to inspire free thought, critical thinking, meaningful discourse, and simple conversation. This is where we cultivate the minds of individuals who seek to understand and engage with the principles that shaped our nation.

A Nod to Our Founding Fathers

Our Founding Fathers deeply valued education and mental advancement, recognizing these as cornerstones of a free and just society. In their time, literacy was not merely a skill but a vital tool for every American citizen. Being literate meant being informed, and being informed meant having the power to influence and understand the political landscape. Our Founding Fathers knew that an educated populace was essential for the health and longevity of the republic.

Importance of Literacy and Political Awareness

In the 18th century, literacy rates soared as Americans sought to stay informed about the political developments of their time. Not allowing the Stamp Act to slow them, news spread by means of newspapers, and pamphlets that fueled ideas toward the quest for independence.

Reflecting Historical Values in Modern Education

The “We The People” Classroom is a modern reflection of these historical values. Here, we emphasize the importance of understanding the foundations of our government and the principles of freedom that our nation was built upon. This classroom is not a traditional, sterile environment but a welcoming space that encourages students to engage in thoughtful dialogue and critical analysis.

A Space for True Freedoms

In the “We The People” Classroom, we delve into the profound concept of freedom—both physical and spiritual. Students explore how governance and personal liberties intertwine, learning about the rights and responsibilities that come with being an informed citizen. Courses in this classroom cover a wide range of topics, from the Constitution and the Federalist Papers to the spiritual God’s Natural dimension of freedom.

Fostering Critical Thought and Discourse

We believe that true education goes beyond rote learning! It is rather encouraged in an environment where critical thinking begets ideas that can be freely exchanged and debated. It is a space where students can challenge assumptions, explore new ideas, and develop a deeper understanding of their role in the democratic process.

Join Us in the “We The People” Classroom

By participating in the “We The People” Classroom, you are joining a tradition of intellectual and civic engagement that dates back to the founding of our country. Here, you will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate and influence the world around you, all while fostering a deeper connection to the principles of freedom and democracy.